EYFS at St. Agnes
Miss K Prescott - EYFS Coordinator
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? What does it Look like at St. Agnes...
- The Early Years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S.) is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. (0-5)
- It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning.
- This is a very important stage as it helps your child get ready for school as well as preparing them for their future learning and successes.
- From when your child is born up until the age of 5, their early years experience should be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure; and support their development, care and learning needs.
- The EYFS is a statutory (legal) framework that sets the standards for all Early Years settings.
- The EYFS prepares children for learning in their future school life.
"Adults who help children to play are adults who help children to learn.”
- At St Agnes - The first stages of the EYFS are planned for when your child is in the Nursery class. The final stages of the EYFS are planned for when your child is in the Reception class.
- Children who are still working towards achieving the ELG’s at the end of Reception will continue to work on these during the Autumn term of Year 1 within their new class.
What will my child learn in the EYFS?
- There are 7 areas of the curriculum - 3 Prime areas and 4 Specific areas.
- Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through the 7 areas. (learning and development)
- The areas are divided further to cover the 17 Early Learning Goals.
- St Agnes plans effectively for these 7 areas.
3 Prime Areas
4 Specific areas...
How do we know how well our children are doing?
- We use Developmental Matters to identify the developing knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes that children will need if they are to achieve the early learning goals by the end of the EYFS. These statements will be updated regularly throughout the year to show your child’s development and areas where they need further support.
- Teachers, Nursery Nurses and TA’s will collect evidence of your child’s achievements towards each of the areas of development.
- This information is used to plan the next steps for each child.
- Teachers use the evidence to make final decisions about each child’s achievement across the EYFS curriculum at the end of the school year.
- Parents/Carers will be updated at regular intervals throughout the year (Autumn and Spring) on their child’s progress.
- Parents/Carers will receive an end of year report in the Summer term detailing their child’s progress, attainment and achievement.
The "Key Person"
It is important that parents and the staff caring for your child work together.
We want you to feel comfortable about exchanging information and discussing things that will benefit your child.
These conversations will be with your child’s class teacher or their ‘key person’.
This is a named person who:
We want you to feel comfortable about exchanging information and discussing things that will benefit your child.
These conversations will be with your child’s class teacher or their ‘key person’.
This is a named person who:
- Is your main point of contact within the setting.
- Helps your child to become settled, happy and safe.
- Is responsible for your child’s care, development and learning.
- Takes a careful note of your child’s progress, sharing this with you and giving you ideas on how to help your child at home.
Now have a browse a the Nursery and Reception curriculum pages, where there is LOTS to discover about the children's learning environment, their school day and their personalised curriculum.
EYFS Curriculum Overview 2023-2024.pdf |