Useful Website Links for Parents and Families
- Guided Reading Questioning Framework by Alan Peat Ltd
- A Critical Thinking Framework for Guided Reading (Fiction and Non-Fiction) by Alan Peat Ltd
- BBC Adult Learning - Lots of information about getting into learning.
- DirectGov - The latest and widest range of public service information from the UK
- Parent Link - Practical tips on helping with children's school work.
- Parent Pages - THE national directory of services aimed at parents
- Open Check - Useful website for parents to check if school is open or closed, or if there are any issues at the school.
- Action for Children - Action for Children supports and speaks for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people.
- Department for Education - Articles and advice for children and young people.
- Think You Know - Great advice to keep children safe whilst using the internet.
- CEOP - News and articles surrounding internet safety.
- - THEP Home Learning Resources.
Click here to be directed to the Maths curriculum page for some useful links related to mathematics learning!
Comment or Viewpoint?
Here is the link to OfSTED's parent view site which encourages positive and constructive feedback about your child's school. You will need to search for the school using its name and postcode.
Need to pay a fee?
Use ParentMail - our online payment service for school/class related payments.