Hello Everyone!!Here is another week of homework for you to complete. We are going to be assessing our reading this week by taking our very first 'Star Reader' Checks on the computers. We will then be using Accelerated Reader (AR) books which you will take home on Mondays and Fridays just like usual. However, once you have completed the book you will be able to set a test on the book you have been reading. These tests are completed on ipads inside the classroom. You will receive your AR login details this week! I am very excited to see how well you all do with this, you will then have more independence in picking your own books to take home to read too! Miss K x Welcome back everyone!I have been very impressed with how well you have come back into school and are ready to get your heads down and learning again! Here is your homework for this week, you will also find the reading and maths fluency in your reading records and maths fluency books. Please ensure these are signed to let us know how you are getting on! Miss Kennedy x
Hello Year Two!Welcome back to school everyone, I am so looking forward to being your teacher again this year.
Every Monday you will find your homework posted here as well as in the two yellow books you take home. The tasks you will have to complete are:
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
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