Miss O'Garro's song of the week
This week I have chosen: Ben E. King - Stand by Me It is a beautiful and powerful song that is relevant due to current issues. It reiterates the words from my favourite psalm - which has continuously remained on the right side of the blog - God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear (Psalm 46.1-2). During the month of June, when we think about how much Jesus loves us, remember those words. Remember that He is always with us, He is always protecting us. I pray that God continues to stand by us all. God bless you and continue to stay safe. 'I won't be afraid just as long as you stand by me.'
Monday - Friday BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons Go to the website daily and complete the set Year 5 Maths lesson for that day. Music Monday Please go to Yumu and complete an assignment. Your login is the same as your Mathletics login. Spanish Tuesday Saying where you live in Spanish https://www.thenational.academy/year-5/foundation/saying-where-you-live-in-spanish-year-5-wk6-2 RE
Wednesday Open the PowerPoint and follow the Collective Worship based on the story of Jesus healing the blind man.
Thursday - Friday Finding out about a famous Scientist - David Attenborough. Read the PowerPoint and complete the activities.
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