Hello Year Three! Please find your homework below. Remember that the maths fluency book is for parents/carers to sign and make notes in. Your maths fluency task does not need to be evidenced in the book . We also now have enough cardboard boxes for our history project. Thank you to everyone who provided us with one. Miss McKenna Homework -
Hello Year Three! Please find your homework for this week attached below. Remember the trace, copy, cover and write technique we practiced last week? Have a go at learning your spellings using the method this week. Miss McKenna Homework -
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Hello Year 3! Below you will find this weeks homework tasks. Please ensure your reading record and maths fluency books are signed every evening at home by an adult. Miss McKenna Homework -
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Hello Year 3! Welcome back to the homework blogs. Below you will find your homework for this week. We will no longer be using Scribd to present the tasks, but you can download the file below to view them. Don't forget to complete the additional task, as we will be using the information you collect in our science lesson next week. Miss McKenna Homework tasks -
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St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |