Welcome back to your home learning blog!! I am getting the hang of working from home now, I hope you are too. This week is only 4 days, Friday is a bank holiday so make sure you have a rest!! I would like to begin this weeks blog with a huge THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS to all of those children who are completing all the tasks set! It is great that you are taking your learning into your own hands. Thank you parents/carers too for all the support you are giving your children. If you are struggling to access PurpleMash or Mathletics please call school or email [email protected] and we will try out best to help you out. It is important to keep our brains ticking over as much as possible. Therefore, to get our thinking switched on after the weekend, try playing one of our Oracy games with your family or the people you live with. Oracy is all about talking with confidence and enhancing our vocabulary. Have a go at the game 'Articulate' - this is one of my favourites! Think of an object/item to describe, but remember you CANNOT say its name! For example, if I was to describe a kettle I would say "an object we use in the kitchen to boil water". As always, the timetable below is full of activities and games for you to do at home to help extend your learning. I thought this week we should re-introduce 'word of the week' and 'number of the week'. When completing your work this week, see if you can use the word 'sneaking' as much as possible and try and relate what you are learning about in maths (number facts) to the number 20.
Find out as much as you can about the word 'sneaking' What does sneaking mean? How many syllables are in the word sneaking? Can you clap it? Can you write sentences including the word sneaking? Can you try sneaking around your house, just like Preston? Try and use it as much as possible this week - not just in your English work!! What number facts can you think of relating to 20? What number sentences can you write? Can you write the Fact Families for these number sentences? What is half of 20? How many tens and ones are in the number 20? Year 1 High Frequency Words: In addition to the timetable of work here is a list of the 100 High Frequency words for Year 1. Try learning the spellings of these - I'm sure you can spell most of these already, but double check!! They have been split into phonic's phases to help you out too. If you learn these spellings you will find writing a lot easier. This week when you are writing, whether that is in Phonics, English, Maths, R.E., Science or Geography, check that you are spelling these words correctly! This is the image for you to describe in your English slot on Wednesday: Can you use the word 'sneaking' in your description? This is the challenge for Science this week. Can you sort the animals into mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and birds? What do you notice? If you cannot print off the document, you could draw your own categories and write the names or draw a picture of the animals in each group.
Here are the website links you will need this week: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/# - Phonics - Go to Phase 5 this week! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zd63xyc/articles/zdp4pg8 - English - Karate Cats game https://www.purplemash.com/sch/stagnese3 - English, Maths and Geography https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ - Maths https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/?view=image&query=&type=book&age_group=Age+5-6&level=&level_select=&book_type=&series= - Reading at home https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/zc6br82 - Science - amphibians https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/zxgq2hv - Science - fish https://charanga.com/site/ - Music Here are the YouTube links you will need this week: Enjoy your week and make sure you're still having fun! If you're finding concentrating difficult during this time work for 20 minutes and then have a break doing something you enjoy! I find this helps to make any work more manageable. I look forward to seeing some of your work and reading your comments! Take care, Miss Kennedy x Comments are closed.
Year 1 Home
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |