Welcome back Year 1! I loved speaking with you last week on the phone and finding out about what you have been up to at home. If you missed my call, get in touch with the school and we can arrange a time to suit you. Here are some examples of the work you have been doing at homeIf you do any work at home that you would like to share with me please email pictures over to [email protected] I would love to see them! Did you enjoy the riddle last week? The answer was a sponge. Did you get it right? This week I would like you to have a go at another one of the Oracy games. This one is the emotions game! Here you say the same thing but in different voices and emotions. For example, using the phrase: I would like a cup of tea please. What would this sound like if I was upset? angry? happy? excited? How does it change each time? Here is your week 5 home learning table of activities: ![]()
Word and Number of the week: What can you find our about the word 'lurking'? What does 'lurking' mean? How many syllables are there? Can you clap it? Can you write a sentence with the word 'lurking' in? What words do you know that are similar to the word 'lurking'? What would 'lurking' look like? Can you act it out? What do you know about the number 35? What numbers add together to give you a total of 35? How many tens are there? How many ones? Is it an even number or an odd number, how do you know? What is one more and one less? What is 10 more and 10 less? Can you think of anything else to do with 35? Here are the links you will need this week: https://family.gonoodle.com/ - a different way of exercising to PE with Joe. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/member-only/Phase3Menu.htm - Phonics https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zd63xyc/articles/zncgvk7 - English - Small Town Superheroes https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ - Maths https://www.purplemash.com/sch/stagnese3 - English, Maths, Science, Computing, Art https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/?view=image&query=&type=book&age_group=Age+5-6&level=&level_select=&book_type=&series= - Reading https://charanga.com/ - Music Here are the maths resources you will need this week: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Here are the Youtube links you will need this week: Have a lovely week Year 1! Stay safe and take care! Miss Kennedy x Comments are closed.
Year 1 Home
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |