Week Commencing - Mon 29th June - Fri 3rd July Physical Education Keep Fit! Stay Healthy! Keep Moving! Web links https://youtu.be/X655B4ISakg - Yoga for Kids https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1- P.E with Joe Wicks https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga -Cosmic Yoga https://www.youtube.com/user/mosetsanagape -Dance with Oti Mabuse https://www.gonoodle.com - Gonoodle Reading - Daily for 30mins Please log on to MyOn. (Link is on the right hand side) www.myon.co.uk/login/index.html Staff are able to check and see who is reading and taking quizzes on MyOn. It is important that you are reading daily. Please email the school if you have any troubles with logging on. Remember to put the year group and class teachers name in the subject. Check out Mr Crow's marvellous myOn reading here. He might even be able to help you out if you are struggling!
Monday 29th JuneWord of the Week - rambling English Mission Possible By Kat Pennington Have you ever wanted to go on an adventure? Have you ever wanted to be a spy? Well this booklet is all about two twins who have a special secret. By reading this story, you will learn their spy-licious secret and build your way to writing your own adventure story. You can listen to an audio version of the story here: soundcloud.com/talkforwriting/mission/s-qMLb31YjpM7 ![]()
Activity: Your charactersRead the story and complete page 21 This weeks spellings are:
Can you put these words into sentences? Be mindful about your handwriting. Take your time. Spelling test will take place on Friday on purple mash.
Tuesday 30th June
Topic/Science What is light and where does it come from? Resource: classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-is-light-and-where-does-it-come-from Wednesday 1st July
RE The world is a special place God asks us to care of it Catholic Social Teaching: A Key Principle – Stewardship of creation. The earth and all life on it is God’s creation. We are called to take care of it because it is a holy gift from God and the only place we can live. When we make bad or thoughtless use of the earth’s resources, many people suffer. When we make poor choices about how we treat other living things (people, animals, plants) we cause life to be less than God intends. Making wise choices about the care of God’s creation is called good stewardship.
Statements: 1. Jon gave some of his birthday pocket money to CAFOD. 2. Jill bought a new pair of shoes, wore them for a week and then decided that she didn’t want to wear them anymore. 3. Kim leaves the tap on when cleaning his teeth, but he has really quick showers. 4. Joe went to London to go on a march to protect the world against Climate Change. Joe 5.travelled to London by car (the journey took 4 hours). 6. Dad fills the kettle full to the top when he is making a cup of tea for himself. 7. In Miss Jones’ class the children write on both sides of the page in their exercise books. 8 .When the Banks family moved house they took their curtains with them and altered them to make them fit the new windows. 9. Each week the children take turns to pick up litter from the school playground. 10. The school council persuaded their teachers to drink Fairtrade tea and coffee. 11. The local supermarket gives out free plastic bags. 12. The water pump in Kalisowe, Zambia is powered by solar panels. 13. In Rwanda plastic bags have been banned. 14. The gold mining company in Honduras have allowed deadly chemicals used to clean the gold to leak into the water supply and make local people very ill. 15. At a plastic-bottle recycling centre in East Timor they are looking at ways to recycle and reuse. It only takes one plastic cup to make a pencil and twenty-five plastic bottles can be reused to make a fleece jacket. 16. The president of a country uses his aid budget to buy limousines for the politicians. 17. A big office block leaves its lights on all night for security reasons, wasting huge amounts of energy. Thursday 2nd July
Computing Video BBC Bitesize How do the internet and search engines work? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zn6vgwx Computer/Tablet – coding and programming Code Studio: Minecraft Hero’s Journey https://studio.code.org/s/hero/stage/1/puzzle/1 Unplugged – no device needed Hello Ruby: Play What does the Internet Look Like? https://www.helloruby.com/play/18 Online Safety Common Sense Education Follow the Digital Trail https://www.commonsense.org/education/videos/follow-the-digital-trail Friday 3rd July
PSHE- Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
Do you want to be a hero? Resource: classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/do-you-want-to-be-a-hero-28de97 Comments are closed.
Year 4 Home
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |