Hello Year 5! Well done to the children who took part in the London Rocks 2020 tournament on TTRS. Even though our school didn't win, Year 5 had the highest score in St Agnes overall with a score of 28,464. A special thank you to Noah who contributed enormously with 16,494 points! Also, well done to the children who have accessed MyON and are reading everyday. I would like to celebrate Milkyas who has read for 300+ minutes over the last week! Keep up the hard work and remember to look at the Year 5 blog to see what your friends are sharing. God bless and stay safe, Miss O'Garro 28,4
Reading Monday-Friday Continue reading using myON - the online library. MyON is linked to accelerated reader so you will be able to take a quiz after reading one of the books. Check out Mr Crow's marvellous myOn reading here. He might even be able to help you out if you are struggling. Your password is the same as for Accelerated Reader. English
Monday Page 11-12 Let’s investigate some of the words and phrases that would help make your writing persuasive and be useful when writing an advert. Tuesday Page 13-15 Imperative verbs; Asking leading questions; Alliteration. Wednesday Page 16 Design your school. Thursday Page 17 Plan your advert. Friday Page 10 Write your advert.
Monday Measuring Angles https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zyfrsk7 Tuesday Drawing Angles https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdsrsk7 Wednesday Angles on a Straight Line https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrvm8hv Thursday Measure and Identify Angles Around a Point https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdp8bqt Friday Odd One Out
RE Tuesday CAFOD Log on to CAFOD Kidzzone and find out what CAFOD is and how children around the world live. Once you have done that, browse the site and play some of the games.
Thursday Create your own leaflet informing people of the importance of sharks to the ecosystem and persuading them to take action to help protect sharks.
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