Wow! I cannot believe it is nearly the summer holidays. What a fabulous year it has been. Shall we recap?
We have done lots of counting...
Lots of creating...
Lots of writing...
Lots of investigating...
And we have had lots of fun!
But the hard work is not over just yet. This week you have your final home learning timetable jam packed with lots of fun activities. You will also find a range of tasks below to keep up with over summer. These will help prepare you for your move from infants to juniors!
Continue to read on MyON!
MyOn will be accessible to you ALL summer. Aim to read 20+ minutes a day. Use the 'browse' section of your library to find some of the weird and wonderful book categories including unexplained mysteries and inventions.
Keep up with TTRS!
Please continue to practice your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. These will come in super handy in Year 3 and beyond.
PurpleMash games!
You will find a HUGE range of mathematical games and activities on PurpleMash. Revise your knowledge of addition, subtraction, fractions, shape, time and more! Use the 'mathematics' button on the home page to find the topics above.
Keep up to date with current news by watching/reading Newsround reports regularly. Report back to family or friends and tell them what you have discovered.
Can you read these words? Can you say these words? Can you spell these words? Please continue to practice READING, SPEAKING and SPELLING the first 100, and then 200 high frequency words for KS1.
Of course the number of the week is 3. And it really is a magic number! But what can you tell me about the number 3?
Can you double it? What does it look like written as a word? Can you use it in an addition sentence? What is 3 x 5? What about 3 x 10?
A big well done to this weeks MyON superstars! Gold stars all around.
MyON library: GoNoodle dance: Cosmic Yoga: PE with Joe Wicks: RE - CAFOD website: : Kids Wordsmyth online dictionary: Resources:
Maths booklet
English booklet
Memory template
Quiz worksheet
Quiz PowerPoint
And finally I would just like to say a HUGE thank you for such a wonderful year! It has been so much fun teaching you all and I am SUPER proud of your achievements in Year Two. I wish you all every success in Year Three and beyond.
Miss McKenna❤️
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St Agnes Catholic Primary School
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