Good morning Reception,
Today is the last day of the first half of Spring term. That means next week is half term when you can have a break from your learning and have a well deserved rest. You have worked so hard these past few weeks. I am so proud of everything you have done. Well done! Well done Aimee on your writing. You are doing so well! Thank you for sharing your learning with me. Here is your learning for today:
Phonics: Watch the phonics video below. You will need paper and something to write with.
Writing: This is our last 'pen disco'. I hope you have enjoyed it. Practise writing the patterns while listening to music that you like. You need paper or card and something to write with. See the video for today's pattern. There is also a picture of the finished patterns to help you.
Literacy: Practise your reading. Today's activity is the same as yesterdays. Choose which picture matches the sentence underneath. First look at both pictures. Talk about what is in each one. Look at the sentence. Are there any words you know (high frequency words)?
Point to each word and say the word as you read it. Say each sound in the word for the words you don't know. Decide which picture matches the sentence you have read.
Look at the picture below. Think carefully about the questions. We count the objects to find how many there are altogether. Can you find objects in your house to count how many altogether? e.g There are 2 boys and 3 girls. There are 5 people altogether. There are 4 forks and 4 knives. There are 8 altogether.
Well done for working so hard this half term. You have done really well. Do something you enjoy on your own or with your family - draw a picture, go outside for a walk, do a puzzle, play with your toys, do some cooking, dance to some music, read a book.
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AuthorReception Home Learning Blog 2020-2021 Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book![]()
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |