Hello Reception,
It is nearly the end of the month of January. January has felt like a very long month for me. Has it felt like that for you? It is very hard not being able to see each other at school. On Monday, it will be a different month. Do you know what month it will be? Well done Aimee for all your hard work. I loved your purple collage! Your numbers have improved so much. Fantastic work Teddy C! You are trying so hard with your writing. Well done! Thank you for sharing what you have been doing. Here is your learning for today.
Phonics: Today we are going to keep practising the sounds we have learned and blending those sounds to make words. Watch the video and join in with Rachel. You will need some paper and something to write with.
Writing: Practise your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We are going to practise the last group of letters from the curly caterpillar family. We have practised these letters before.
Literacy: See the video below for today's lesson.
Have a go at filling three different sized containers. Don't worry if you don't have plant pots or soil. You could use any containers you have in your kitchen like a cup, jug, plastic lunch box. Just make sure they are three different sizes. You could use an egg cup or a spoon to fill them. Instead of soil you could use rice, flour or water. Which container is smallest or largest? Compare two of the containers and say which is smaller or larger? Which container holds the most? Which holds the least?
Well done for working very hard this week! Do something you enjoy on your own or with your family - go outside for a walk, play a game, play with your toys, do some cooking, draw a picture, listen to some music.
Good morning Reception,
I hope you are having a good week. Well done to all of you for working so hard on your remote learning. It is not easy but I can see you are trying your best! You are learning new things every day. It is fantastic to see how much work you are doing on Purple Mash. I check your trays regularly and I can see how much work you are doing. It is great to see how you are using Purple Mash to show me the work you are doing from this blog. Keep it up! Here is your learning for today:
Phonics: Keep practising the sounds we have learned and blending those sounds to make words. Watch the video and join in with Rachel. Today you will also need some paper and a pencil to write with.
Writing: Keep practising your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We are going to practise some more letters from the curly caterpillar family.
Literacy: Today we are going to draw the end of our story maps today. See the video below for today's lesson.
Have a go at filling different size cups or containers with water. Can you make a cup full? How do you make it empty? How many full cups of water would fill a jug? Can you fill a cup so it is nearly empty? Can you tell when a glass is nearly full? Remember to talk about what you notice. e.g This glass is full. This glass is nearly empty.
R.E. Look at the picture below. It is showing an important story from the Bible called The Presentation story. Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple.
Here is the story to share while you are looking at the picture. Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem. They wanted to present him to God and thank God for giving them their lovely boy. Whilst they were there they met two people, Simeon and Anna. They went to the Temple every day to pray. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and gave thanks to God. He said a prayer over Jesus and blessed Mary and Joseph. He said Jesus was like a light to help people. Anna was delighted to see Jesus and gave thanks to God for him. Afterwards Mary and Joseph took Jesus home to Nazareth. Now, think about these questions. Can you talk about the answer in a full sentence?
Hello Reception,
I hope you are well. It's lovely seeing all your work on Purple Mash. Well done! Here is some fabulous colour work from Marcell, Camilla, Malachi, Gabriel and Zuzanna.
Phonics: Today we are going to keep practising the sounds we have learned and blending those sounds to make words. Watch the video and join in with Rachel.
Writing: It is important to keep practising your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We are going to practise the letters from the curly caterpillar family. Can you see Curly Caterpillar? Try going over him first before you write the letters. We have done these letters before - can you do them even better this time?
Literacy: We are going to draw some more of our own story maps today. See the video below for today's lesson.
Compare the mass of two objects to see which is heavier or lighter. You could hold the objects in your hands to feel which is heavy or light. You could make your own balance scales using a coat hanger and buckets/plastic cups/yoghurt pots/boxes/bags, then place the coat hanger on a door knob (see pictures below) or play this interactive game from Nrich called Seesaw Shenanigans to see which woodland animals are heavy or light. nrich.maths.org/14796
Remember to talk about which is heavier or lighter - The apple is heavier than the grape. The lego figure is lighter than the teddy. Try to predict which is heavier or lighter before you weigh them.
Did you know that you can use your body to make music? Have a go at the activities below to make music using only your body. Can you make up your own?
Good morning Reception,
I hope you are all keeping well - and warm! It is very cold at the moment! Here is your learning for today:
Use your sounds and/or high frequency words to complete the sentences. e.g We are going to the shop. We are going to hav (have) lunch. Remember it is ok to only write the sounds you hear. It doesn't have to be spelled correctly. As always, don't forget a capital letter for the start of the sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end. Read over your sentence once you have written it. Point to each word as you say it.
Phonics: The next five lessons are review lessons. It is important to keep practising the sounds you have learned and blending sounds to make words. (Blending just means putting sounds together). There will only be one video for phonics from now on. Watch the video and join in with Rachel.
Writing: Keep practising your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We will practise some more letters from the ladder letters family.
Literacy: See the video below for today's lesson.
Get 5 toys and a bucket or box. The toys can be anything that fits in the bucket or box. Give some objects to someone in your house and hide some in the bucket/box. How many objects can you see? How many are hidden? How many objects are there altogether?
From all the colours you looked for yesterday, which is your favourite? Maybe it is a different colour that was not on the chart.
Make a colour collage of your favourite colour. There are lots of ways to do this - you could find lots of bits and pieces of things that are one colour and glue them onto a piece of paper. If you haven't got any glue, you could collect lots of objects in your house that are the same colour, arrange them and take a photo. Below are some ideas for inspiration - you can be as creative as you like! There is no right or wrong way to do it.
Hello Reception,
I hope you are all keeping well and had a good weekend. Did you see the snow? Maybe you were lucky enough to go out in it! Eiyden, I can see you have been working very hard on your writing and your numbers. You are doing so well! Keep it up! Alfie, I was so pleased to see how much you have improved writing your name. Well done! Paolo, how lovely to see that you did some special baking for St Agnes day!
Here is your learning for today:
Use your sounds and/or high frequency words to complete the sentences. e.g He is a quit boy. (He is a quiet boy.) She is sing. (She is singing.) Remember it is ok to only write the sounds you hear. It doesn't have to be spelled correctly. As always, don't forget a capital letter for the start of the sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end. Read over your sentence once you have written it. Point to each word as you say it.
Phonics: Today's lesson is a review of last week's sounds that you learned.
Now practise your reading.
Writing: Keep practising your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We will practise some letters we have learned already. These are called ladder letters. Go up and down the ladder first, before you practise the letters. You could make some words using the letters - it, ill, till, lit, tilt.
Literacy: See the video below for what to do today.
For the next part, you will need 5 objects and a box or a bag. Choose a number of objects. How many objects do you have altogether? (e.g 4) Hide some objects in the box or bag. (e.g hide 2 objects). How many objects can you see? (e.g 2) How many objects must be hiding in the box/bag? (2 )
Go on a colour hunt in your house. Can you find something that is each of the colours below?
Draw what you find for each colour. Can you find anything else that is a different colour that is not on the sheet? e.g brown Can you say whether they are a dark or light colour? e.g light or dark green
Good morning Reception,
I hope you enjoyed St Agnes day and were able to do something nice. Well done to Teddy C! You have really improved with your sentence writing and your letter formation. You did a great job recording the light sources in your house! Well done also to Violet. Those sentences were fantastic! You have been practising a lot I can see! Your writing has improved from the last time I saw it. Thank you for sending your work in. Here is your learning for today:
Use your sounds to complete the sentence. e.g The dog can brk. (bark) The cat can run. Remember it is ok to only write the sounds you hear. It doesn't have to be spelled correctly. As always, don't forget a capital letter for the start of the sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end. Read over your sentence once you have written it, pointing at each word as you read.
Phonics: The phoneme for today is ng
Watch this Youtube video with Josh for today's phoneme. This is a tricky sound, listen carefully to how to say it.
Now watch and join in with the reading session.
Writing: Keep practising your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We learn to write n and g together because it is a digraph - 2 letters that make one sound.
Literacy: Today I am going to read you another story with owls in it. It is called 'A Bit Lost' by Chris Haughton. Listen carefully because I want you to think about things that are the same and different with 'Owl Babies'. See the video below.
Now it's your turn. Draw a picture of the pond, log and grass like you saw in the video.
Next draw 5 frogs and cut them out. Put different numbers of frogs in the pond, on the log and on the grass. How many frogs are there? How many in the pond? on the log? on the grass? How many are there altogether? You could also draw 3 train carriages and use 5 lego people as passengers. Or you could draw a park with a slide, swings and a sandpit. Or a jungle with a tree, grass and vines and draw 5 jungle animals to use.
Think about all the animals that are nocturnal. Can you remember the names of any of the ones that you read about? Which one is your favourite? Why do you like it? We are going to make up a story using a different animal next week.
Choose from: a hedgehog, a fox, a mouse, a badger, a bat Draw a picture of your favourite nocturnal animal. Today is St Agnes day!!!!
St Agnes is the patron saint of our school and today is her feast day. Take a break from home learning and enjoy taking the day to do something with your family. See you tomorrow. Mrs Stapleton Good morning Reception, Here is your learning for today:
Phonics: The phoneme for today is th Watch this Youtube video with Josh for today's phoneme. Now join in with the reading session. Writing: Keep practising your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We learn to write t and h together because it is a digraph - 2 letters that make one sound. Literacy: Think about how Sarah, Percy and Bill felt during the story when they realised their mother had gone. Look at the picture below and choose a word that tells how each of the baby owls were feeling. Because there are speech bubbles when we say the sentence, we say "I feel worried," said Sarah. Do you know what each of the feeling words mean? Can you act out each feeling? What does it look like?
Now get 5 small objects. They could be buttons, lego bricks, pieces of fruit - anything you can find. You also need 2 plates. Put some of the objects on one plate and the rest on the other plate. Use these sentences to describe what you are doing. I have 3 buttons on one plate and 1 button on the other plate. There are 4 buttons altogether. R.E. - Last week we talked about the Parish Family and how they celebrate together in Church.
This week, practise the prayer that the Parish Family says when they celebrate Mass together in Church - the Our Father. Say the Our Father together with your family. Practise making the Sign of the Cross at the beginning and end of the prayer "In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen" Hello again Reception, Well done again on all your hard work! It is not easy to be learning from home but I can't wait to see how much you can do when we see each other again. I was very impressed with your Maths number work from Friday and here are a couple more pieces of work linked to 'Owl Babies' from Ealan and Zuzanna. Here is your learning for today:
Use your sounds to complete the sentence. e.g Look at the cr. (car) Remember it is ok to only write the sounds you hear. It doesn't have to be spelled correctly. As always, don't forget a capital letter for the start of the sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end. You can write more than one sentence if you want to.
Phonics: The phoneme for today is sh Watch this Youtube video with Josh for today's phoneme. Now it's time for some reading with Josh. Writing: Keep practising your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We learn to write s and h together because it is a digraph - 2 letters that make one sound. Literacy: Look at the pictures below. They are pictures from the story but they are all mixed up. Can you tell the story in the correct order?
Now it's your turn to have a go at making numbers up to 5. You will need 5 teddies or any toys will do. See the activity below. Don't forget to say how many you have in each group and how many you have altogether. Yesterday we looked at light and things that make light. The opposite of light is dark. Choose one of these activities to do:
Hello Reception, I hope you had a good weekend. Just a reminder that each of these activities should only take about 15 minutes at a time and can be spread throughout the day like we do at school. You should break up your learning by doing other things e.g spending time playing with your toys or getting some exercise. Here is your learning for today:
Use your sounds to complete the sentence. e.g I go to the prk. (park) Remember it is ok to only write the sounds you hear. It doesn't have to be spelled correctly. As always, don't forget a capital letter for the start of the sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end. You can write more than one sentence if you want to.
Phonics: The phoneme for today is ch Watch this Youtube video with Josh for today's phoneme. Now it's time for some reading with Josh. Writing: Keep practising your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We learn to write c and h together because it is a digraph - 2 letters that make one sound. Literacy: Now that you have learned the story of 'Owl Babies', make some owl puppets and retell the story to someone in your house, using them. Draw your own pictures of Sarah, Percy and Bill and cut them out. Turn them into puppets by sticking them with sellotape onto a fork or spoon. Or use the pictures below. Now it's your turn to have a go. Set up your own picnic for two then three of your own toys. Share some food (or you can pretend any objects are food) between the two then three toys. Which toy has more? Which toy has less/fewer? Do they have the same (an equal) amount? Is it fair? Last week we looked at night and day in Maths. During the day, the sun makes light but at night we have to turn lights on in our homes. What objects can you find in your house that make light? Record what you find on a piece of paper. Look below to see what light sources I found in my house. If you have a torch, shine it on a wall. What shadow shapes can you make with your fingers and hands? Put your toys in front of the torch to see their shadows. If you put the toy near the torch, does it make the shadow bigger or smaller? Now move the toy away. What happens? |
AuthorReception Home Learning Blog 2020-2021 Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book![]()
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |