Good morning Reception,
I hope you are all keeping well - and warm! It is very cold at the moment! Here is your learning for today:
Use your sounds and/or high frequency words to complete the sentences. e.g We are going to the shop. We are going to hav (have) lunch. Remember it is ok to only write the sounds you hear. It doesn't have to be spelled correctly. As always, don't forget a capital letter for the start of the sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end. Read over your sentence once you have written it. Point to each word as you say it.
Phonics: The next five lessons are review lessons. It is important to keep practising the sounds you have learned and blending sounds to make words. (Blending just means putting sounds together). There will only be one video for phonics from now on. Watch the video and join in with Rachel.
Writing: Keep practising your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We will practise some more letters from the ladder letters family.
Literacy: See the video below for today's lesson.
Get 5 toys and a bucket or box. The toys can be anything that fits in the bucket or box. Give some objects to someone in your house and hide some in the bucket/box. How many objects can you see? How many are hidden? How many objects are there altogether?
From all the colours you looked for yesterday, which is your favourite? Maybe it is a different colour that was not on the chart.
Make a colour collage of your favourite colour. There are lots of ways to do this - you could find lots of bits and pieces of things that are one colour and glue them onto a piece of paper. If you haven't got any glue, you could collect lots of objects in your house that are the same colour, arrange them and take a photo. Below are some ideas for inspiration - you can be as creative as you like! There is no right or wrong way to do it. Comments are closed.
AuthorReception Home Learning Blog 2020-2021 Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |