Good morning Reception, Here is your learning for today:
Phonics: The phoneme for today is th Watch this Youtube video with Josh for today's phoneme. Now join in with the reading session. Writing: Keep practising your handwriting. Follow the direction of the arrows. Use your magic writing finger at first, don't stop writing until you finish the letter. Next, try writing it on paper. We learn to write t and h together because it is a digraph - 2 letters that make one sound. Literacy: Think about how Sarah, Percy and Bill felt during the story when they realised their mother had gone. Look at the picture below and choose a word that tells how each of the baby owls were feeling. Because there are speech bubbles when we say the sentence, we say "I feel worried," said Sarah. Do you know what each of the feeling words mean? Can you act out each feeling? What does it look like?
Now get 5 small objects. They could be buttons, lego bricks, pieces of fruit - anything you can find. You also need 2 plates. Put some of the objects on one plate and the rest on the other plate. Use these sentences to describe what you are doing. I have 3 buttons on one plate and 1 button on the other plate. There are 4 buttons altogether. R.E. - Last week we talked about the Parish Family and how they celebrate together in Church.
This week, practise the prayer that the Parish Family says when they celebrate Mass together in Church - the Our Father. Say the Our Father together with your family. Practise making the Sign of the Cross at the beginning and end of the prayer "In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen" Comments are closed.
AuthorReception Home Learning Blog 2020-2021 Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |