Good morning Reception, It was lovely seeing so many of you on the Google Meet yesterday. It was also good to speak to some of you on the phone and see some of you in school. You all looked so happy and it was great to hear about how well you have been learning and all the other things you have been doing. I look forward to hearing even more next week. Here is your learning for today: Reading: Read your favourite book or listen to a story on Myon.
Counting: Keep counting forwards and backwards to 20. Start at different numbers other than 0 or 20. Writing: see today's writing below the phonics. Keep active: Practise your jumping. You can do this inside or outside. Keep talking: Tell a story about an imaginary creature that you make. See below for the afternoon activity. Phonics: Watch the video below for today's phoneme. Today's sound is 'oo' but it is different to yesterday. It is a short sound as in book. You will need paper and something to write with. Writing: You are going to do some writing linked to the sound 'oo'. Write the letters that make the ‘oo’ sound. Now write the word with 'oo' in it - book. Then write the sentence - Look at a book. Don't forget a capital letter to start the sentence, finger spaces between each word and a full stop at the end. Read the sentence once you have written it. Literacy: Can you remember the names of all the characters in The Gruffalo? Draw a picture of each of the characters: the Gruffalo, mouse, fox, owl and snake. Cut them out and stick them on lolly sticks or pencils to make puppets. Keep them somewhere safe until tomorrow. Maths: Yesterday was..... Today is..... Tomorrow will be....
Watch the White Rose Maths video by clicking on the link below. Today's session is Growing 6, 7, 8 Week 3 Session 4 Measuring Time See below for today's activity. In The Gruffalo, mouse made up the Gruffalo to scare fox, owl and snake. Make up your own imaginary creature. Think carefully about what it looks like - eyes, teeth, claws, body, prickles etc. Draw a picture of your imaginary creature using pencils, crayons, paint or Purple Mash. What could your imaginary creature be called? Tell a story involving your creature. Comments are closed.
AuthorReception Home Learning Blog 2020-2021 Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |