This Week's Attendance and Punctuality Awards
The Attendance Award this week goes to Year 6 for 97% attendance. The Punctuality Award this week also goes to Year 6. Well done! This Week's Headteacher Awards Reception: Afe - for showing determination in reading and phonics. Zack - for always focusing. Year 1: Sonny M - for becoming more independent and always trying his best. Sia - for producing a good piece of writing for English. Year 2: Sophia - for using a clear and precise voice when speaking to the class. Sonny - for forgiving someone after being hurt. Year 3: Teddy S - for being considerate to an adult. Teddy C - for taking his learning a step further. Year 4: Katie - for making great progress on Star Reader. Tatum - for being a great role model. Year 5: Sonny - for making progress with his presentation. Bryan - for making progress with his presentation. Year 6: Opal - for being hardworking and improving positively. Sebastian - for improving marks in maths and persevering. Playground Awards: Daniella, Racheal and Serena all Year 5 - for being kind to others. Lunch Awards: Lucas and Sebastian both Year 2 - for eating all of their lunches every day. Well done to you all, keep up the good work! This Week's Attendance and Punctuality Awards
The Attendance Award this week goes to Year 5 and Reception for 97% attendance. The Punctuality Award this week goes to Year 6 for only 1 late mark all week. This Week's Headteacher Awards Reception: Leon - for applying his maths knowledge. Yotam - for working hard on his handwriting. Year 1: Zachariah - for good handwriting. Holly - for always being kind and helpful. Year 2: Christiana - for good handwriting. Cruz - for always knowing when to ask questions. Year 3: Dominic - for helping to tidy up after an event. Ramartha - for helping to tidy up after an event. Year 4: Tatum - for doing extra homework. Anton - for doing extra homework. Year 5: Daniella - for being a good role model. Victoria - for being a good role model. Year 6: Antoni - for being an all round good role model. Maria - for achieving a good score in her maths test. Well done to you all, keep up the good work! On 7th March the whole school celebrated World Book Day where all of the children came to school dressed in their pyjamas. This year, children were asked to create 'A Story in a Jar' where they used their imagination and creativity to capture their favourite story scene, moment or character inside a jar. There were so many wonderful and creative jars on display, well done to all the children for their hard work! Please see below some photos of the day. This Week's Attendance and Punctuality Awards
The Attendance Award this week goes to Year 5 for 97% attendance. The Punctuality Award this week goes to Year 2 for only 1 late mark all week. This Week's Headteacher Awards Reception: Elsa - for taking good care of the chicks. Sonny - for improved attitude and work ethic. Year 1: Taya - for always being focused on her work. Humayun - for having a good work ethic. Year 2: Delilah - for always being cheerful and focused. Leo - for always being cheerful and focused. Year 3: Kelis - for showing great talent in gymnastics. Avery - for making better choices with his behaviour. Year 4: Samantha - for good hand writing. Maisie - for persevering with her times tables. Year 5: Taylor - for exemplary behaviour during a school trip. Adnu - for progressing well as a new student. Year 6: Maria-Isabel - for good progress in tests. Archie - for improved test scores. Playground Awards: Kayden & Isabelle both Year 5 - for being kind and respectful to others. Lunch Awards: Sonny C Year 1 & Yvie Year 2 - for eating all of their lunches every day. Well done to you all, keep up the good work! This Week's Attendance and Punctuality Awards
The Attendance Award this week goes to Year 5, and the Punctuality Award this week goes to Reception, well done! This Week's Headteacher Awards Reception: Deuel - for improving his motor skills in art. Roshita - for working hard in reading. Year 1: Humayun - for working hard in reading. Savannah - for good work in phonics/English. Year 2: Yvie - for always going the extra mile in her work. Aaron - for always being a good role model. Year 3: Inaya - for always being a good member of Year 3. Ramartha - for being a good helper in Art and a good role model. Year 4: Johanna - for improving in swimming lessons. Holy - for improving in swimming lessons. Cairo - for great presentation in his work. Year 5: Antony - for taking inspectors on an Art tour. Maive - for taking inspectors on an Art tour. Year 6: Antoni - for giving up their break to show Maths to inspectors. Natalie - for giving up their break to show Maths to inspectors. Playground Awards: Chloe-Marie & Aimee both Year 3 - for using equipment well in the playground. Lunch Awards: Sapphire & Peggy both Year 1 - for having a healthy packed lunch. Well done to you all, keep up the good work! |
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