Hello Everyone!!Wow, what can I say? I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you all this year and I am so very proud of each and every one of you. For one last time, here is your homework for the last week in Year 1!! All the best,
Miss Kennedy x Welcome Back!!I am very much looking forward to seeing you all this morning and being in the classroom again with you all.
Even though we are nearing the end of term, it is still very important to keep doing your homework. If you cannot locate your PurpleMash log in details, please email the school and I can get them sent out again! Below you will find your homework for this week. Miss Kennedy x Hello Everyone!!As I said in the hand out you received yesterday, I have had to stay at home this week and I have missed you so much!! But don't worry, I will be back in on Monday 4th July for our last two weeks in Year 1 together!! As Ms McDaid cannot teach you today you have been asked to complete your work at home. You were given a pack yesterday, but I have also uploaded another set here just incase. Try to stick to our timetable as best as possible. 09.00 – 09.30: Reading Comprehension 09.30 – 10.00: Phonics - Recap Phase 3 booklet 10.00 – 10.45: English - Identify rhyming words 10.45 – 11.00: Play time!! 11.00 – 11.45: Maths - Follow the lesson Describe Position (2) here: whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/summer-week-7-geometry-position-and-direction/ 11.45 – 13.00: Lunch and play time!! 13.00 – 14.30: Science - Watch the youtube video all about Evergreen and Deciduous Trees found below. This will help you to compare the types of trees. 14.30 – 15.00: Story time, enjoy your favourite story at home! Please make sure you complete the work you were given on Thursday and bring it back into school on Monday for me to check. Have a wonderful day and I am excited to see you on Monday! Miss Kennedy x Reading, English, Maths, Science work: Phonics activities: Science video: Hello everyone!!Below you will find your homework for this week.
You will find a maths activity on PurpleMash, but I have also suggested an additional maths task if you are unable to access the internet. Miss Kennedy x Hello Everyone!The sun has been shining and so have you too!! Don't forget to complete your homework this week - make sure you read EVERY day! Miss Kennedy x Welcome Back!This is our last term together in Year 1, I cannot wait to see the progress you can make over the coming weeks. Here is your homework for this week: Have a great week everyone,
Miss Kennedy x Welcome back!!I hope you all had a restful half term and are ready for the last term in Year 1. Here is your homework for this week: Have a great week everyone!!
Miss Kennedy x Hello everyone!!I can't quite believe this is our last week before half term and then we only have one more term left of Year 1. Where has the time gone? Here is your homework for this week: There is the Purple Mash link too. I will be checking to see who completes this and to see your scores! Good luck everyone.
Miss Kennedy x Good Morning Year 1!Here is your homework for this week. I have also added in the research I asked you to start to do last week. This will help you to complete an animal fact file this week! Please bring your research in by Thursday. ![]() Here are some examples of arrays taken from the WhiteRose maths scheme we follow. Can you find or make any arrays at home this week? Miss Kennedy x Hello Everyone!!Below you will find your homework for this week. Try your best to read and practise your maths every day - this will make such a huge difference to the rest of the work you do in school!! Miss Kennedy x
AuthorYear 1 Home Learning Blog Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book![]()
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
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