Hello Year 1!Well done Year 1, we have made it to the end of another term together! I am so glad to be back in the classroom with you all and I am so proud of all of your progress too! Here is your homework for this week: I hope you have a wonderful Easter break!! Miss Kennedy x I am looking forward to speaking to you all over the next couple of days.
Here are the codes to access the google meets. Please make sure you have a google account and are logged in ready to go. You will be taken to a waiting room and I will let you in to the meeting. Tuesday: meet.google.com/aee-poxn-gns Wednesday meet.google.com/ncu-konm-ahe Welcome back!Hello and welcome back to your homework for this week. I am impressed with how well you have settled back into school and the routines we have here. Well done you!! Don't forget it is so very important to read and talk about a book EVERY DAY!! Remember on day 1 you may wish to look at the front cover and the blurb and make a prediction about what you think the story will be about. Then, on day 2 you could read the book and think about why events happened. Finally, on day 3 you could recap the book and discuss your favourite parts or sequence the story. Reading is about so much more than just being able to read the words on the page, we need to understand them too! Let's have another brilliant week year 1! Miss Kennedy x Hello Year 1!I have loved being back in school, have you?
It is so lovely to see all of your smiling faces every morning, you are all doing so well with your work too. Last week, I read with each child and this week you may have different coloured books to before! Here is your homework for this week: Hello Year 1!We are back in school and using this space for homework instead of our daily lessons. I am so grateful to be back learning in the classroom with you all again, I have missed you terribly.
Here is your homework to complete this week: Welcome back and to your LAST day of home learning!
I hope you all enjoyed your World Book Day activities yesterday, here are some of your creations:
I am so excited to see you all on Monday, here are your LAST activities to do at home. Don't forget to send them over to me!! [email protected]
Phonics: Here is your last online phonics lesson to complete. I cannot wait to see how well you are doing with your phonics and reading!! Here you are going to look at all the letter combinations for the oo/u-e sound. English: To write a simple sentence using the suffix -ed. On Wednesday you practised using the -ed suffix to turn words into the past tense. Today you are going to use some of those words, or any others you wish to use, to describe what the children did in the book. For example: The children climbed into the house. Can you write a couple of sentences to describe what the children in the story did using the -ed suffix? How many sentences can you write? Listen to the story again to help you: Maths: To measure lengths. Watch and join in with the last maths lesson of the week found here: whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/spring-week-8-measurement-length-and-height/ Complete the questions below when asked to throughout the lesson. Catch up afternoon: As always you have this afternoon to complete any work you may have missed during the week. Let's finish our home learning with another story: SEE YOU ON MONDAY ? Miss Kennedy x Happy World Book Day!
Today is world book day! This is going to take a very different structure to what we are used to in school. But, we are going to have a day off timetable (apart from maths).
We usually dress up as your favourite character from a story but you do not need to do this at home, however, if you do wish too, I would love to see your fantastic outfits! We will begin today with a story, this one is one of my favourites: Now its challenge time! Here are two creative challenges for you to choose from, please only do one, but it is nice to have the option! We will celebrate your creative pieces in tomorrow blog, so please send them over to me as soon as possible. [email protected] Option 1: Paint a potato Decorate a potato as a character from a book using paint. Be as inventive as you like. The potato does not have to be a character. It can be an object or scene or setting from a book Please challenge yourself. Take a look at the pictures to get ideas.
Option 2: Anything egg box
Use old egg boxes to create artwork based on a book. This can be a character which is the obvious choice but challenge yourself to be creative with your ideas. In one example here, an old egg box have been used to create the backpack from the front cover of The Boy at the Back of the Class. You could also, if you have time, listen to another one of my favourite stories, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, and complete the activity booklet below. Maths: To measure lengths and heights Today you have another practical activity to help you explore different lengths and heights. Follow along with the lesson here whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/spring-week-8-measurement-length-and-height/ What objects around your house can you use to measure with? Using blocks or something similar, can you measure the length of your cutlery? Now find some other objects to measure. What will you use to measure them with? Remember they need to be the same size! Have fun exploring!! I hope you have a wonderful world book day! Can you share your favourite story with someone at home? Miss Kennedy x Good Morning Everyone!!Welcome back, we are on the home straight and will be seeing each other in the classroom so soon! I am so excited to see all your smiling faces 😃 Don't forget to send your work over to: [email protected]
Phonics: Today's phonics lesson is a review lesson. You will recap the sounds you have looked at recently. Remember to use www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources for some extra practise too! English: To use the suffix -ed. To begin today's lesson, go to: www.bbc.co.uk/games/embed/small-town-superheroes?exitGameUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fbbc.co.uk%2Fbitesize%2Farticles%2Fzncgvk7 Click on prefixes and suffixes and then choose the easy option. Go through the game adding the correct prefix/suffix to each word. Today we are going to look at verbs - these are words that tell you to do an action. We can add -ed to the end of these to turn it into an action that happened in the past. For example: jump becomes jumped Add -ed to the verbs below and then act out the action. Maths: To compare lengths and heights. Find today's maths lesson on: whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/spring-week-8-measurement-length-and-height/ Follow along with the lesson and complete the questions when you are asked to. RE: To understand that Lent is an opportunity to change. Lent is a time to look at the ways in which we can change and live like Jesus. People can change and become more loving, kinder and more helpful. Have a look at this picture: Can you write how you will take the opportunity to change and be like the people in the pictures. Complete the following sentences: I can think of Jesus often by … I can think of others first by… I can do something extra by… I can give up … I hope you have a wonderful day today! Miss Kennedy x Good Morning Year 1!
I hope you are having fun at home and enjoying your last week of home learning! I know I've said it before, but you all are really making me so proud, you are working so very hard at home!
Here is the email you need to send your work over to me: [email protected] Here are your learning activities for today:
Phonics: Just like yesterday, we are going to look at all the different ways we can make an 'oa' sound. Start by writing down the letter combinations that you can remember, then we will see if there are any others that you may have missed off. Now listen and join in with the below lesson. English: To write in role. Choose one of these to listen and watch the story. Here is a picture of George looking at his house with all the other children inside. What do you think George might be thinking? Can you write this down whilst pretending to be George in a thought bubble? Maths: To compare heights. Today we are looking at heights. Find today's lesson here: whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/spring-week-8-measurement-length-and-height/ Can you measure your height? How tall are you? What did you use to measure your height? Can you find someone at home who is taller than you? How about someone shorter than you. Can you find three objects taller and shorter than you? How about three objects that are the same height as you? Remember to measure carefully! Science: To identify and name a range of everyday materials Today I would like you to become detectives. Can you find different cups or spoons around your house. Try to find as many different cups/spoons as possible. Now look very carefully at them:
Have a fab day everyone, Miss Kennedy x Welcome back Year 1!
This is the start of our last week of home learning, I am looking forward to seeing you in the classroom next week to continue our learning together.
I miss you all so much and I am so excited. Lets have one last push with our learning at home this week so I can congratulate you on everything you have achieved when we get back into school. Here are your activities for today:
Phonics: In today's phonics lesson you are going to look at all the different ways you can make an 'ai' sound. Before looking at the lesson below, try to write down all the different ways you can make an 'ai' sound. What are the different letter combinations? English: To sequence a story. The word of the week for this week is: 'boasting'. Can you use it within your work this week? What does the word ‘boasting’ mean? Listen to the story again. Today you are going to try to sequence 5 pictures from the story. Have a look at the images below and put them in the order in which they appear in the book. Your next job is to write captions for the images. Remember these are short sentences that describe the image. These help you to retell the story using the images. Maths: To compare lengths In today's lesson you will need to find a spoon. You can find this weeks maths lessons here: whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/spring-week-8-measurement-length-and-height/ Watch and join in with the lesson and then practically explore different lengths:
PE: Move to the beat - Extravaganza Have a go at the below lesson, it follows on from last weeks PE lesson, so if you did not manage to complete that one, scroll back through the blogs and do that one first!
Here is some extra information to watch before you start:
Have a fab day everyone!! Miss Kennedy x |
AuthorYear 1 Home Learning Blog Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |