Hello Year 1!
Good morning Year 1. I hope you are having a good week! I am so proud of all the effort you are putting in at home to continue your learning. I cannot stress how important it is for you to keep practising and progressing whilst you are at home. When we do get back into the classroom, all the learning you are doing now will make a huge difference.
I would like to remind you about MyON. This is another way of accessing lots of books online. You were given your login details in Reception and they haven't changed. If you need reminding, pop me an email and I will send them over to you. [email protected] Phonics: Today, we are starting on Phase 5. The first sound is 'ay' and in school we would say the rhyme, 'ay, ay, may I play?' Can you think of any other words that have an 'ay' sound in them? Follow along and join in with the lesson. English: To compose a letter. Now we know that Max feels a little lonely and upset in the story, I think it would be a nice idea to try to help him. What do you think we could suggest that he does to feel better? When someone feels a little unhappy it is good to try to comfort and reassure them. As we cannot all be together, and we definitely cannot meet Max to help him, maybe we should write a letter to him, what do you think? To begin a letter, we need to state who we are writing to, in this case it is Max so we will start like this: Dear Max, Now we need to start telling him why we are writing: I heard that you were feeling unhappy... Then we should tell him what we have come up with and give him some solutions to make him feel better: To feel better you could… Finally to end our letter, we should tell him who has written to him: Love… Have a go at writing a letter to Max to help him out. You are all such good friends to each other, I am sure you will come up with some wonderful suggestions. Here is the story again, watching it again may give you some more ideas: Maths: To subtract by not crossing the 10. Here is today's lesson and activity to have a go at. Enjoy!! whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/spring-week-3/ R.E.: To discuss the special people in the Church. There are special people in our lives who are there to help us. Lots of you came up with lovely suggestions of the special people in our community, for example our NHS workers, police officers, fire fighters and teachers. I really like the last suggestion, thank you! The church has celebrations that bring people together. The Church’s celebrations are community occasions. On Sundays, people in the parish (the church family) gather together. It is a time to remember how much there is to celebrate; a time to say thank you; a time to know that God’s love is offered and made visible here and now in Jesus and in people. Can you think of people who help us at Mass? Do you recognise any of these people or the jobs they do? How might they help us? Remember to write in full sentences. Use these sentence starters to help you:
Have a fantastic day of learning Year 1! Please send all your work to:
[email protected] Miss Kennedy x P.S. It has also come to my attention (thanks to George's mum) that Amazon are doing free educational books on Kindle or iPad. They have the White Rose worksheets we are working from. If you type into the search bar 'Free Maths books Year 1' it should come up. We are doing Addition and Subtraction to 20 at the moment. This could be easier for some of you to work from and edit before sending them over to me. Comments are closed.
AuthorYear 1 Home Learning Blog Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book![]()
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |