Good Morning Year 1!
We are half way through another week of learning from home! Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back! This week is mental health week and I would like you to take some time this week to think about how you are feeling. Remember, there is no right answer to this and you are allowed to feel however you do. Lots of people at the moment feel a little bit upset because they cannot see their friends, others are finding it difficult to motivate themselves to do their home learning. How do you feel?
I would also encourage you to think about what makes you happy and try to do it every day. Everyday I try and dance around my kitchen; I turn up my music and dance like nobody is watching for a good 10 minutes and it makes me feel silly and happy! Give it a go and let me know how you get on - can you get all those you live with joining in? Here are your learning activities to complete today, don't forget to send your work to me!! [email protected]
Phonics: Phase 5, lesson 40. This is a review lesson. You will practise all the sounds you have learnt, if you think you need more practise with any of the sounds go to the Phonics Play website and get some extra practise in. English: To sequence and plan my own story. Below you will find my boxing up of 'Where the Wild things Are.' Boxing up is a way you can sequence and plan a story. Have a look at them image and then watch the video.
Today you are going to start thinking about how you are going to sequence your own ideas into this template to plan your story.
We are going to focus on the first 4 boxes today and finish it off tomorrow. Here is a video and a picture of mine to help you! My main character is me, and I'm wearing a pig suit - use your ideas from yesterday. I am at home causing mischief, just like Max was. I then go to where the unicorns are because I was sent to bed without eating anything.
Now it's your turn!
Try to draw all the details you wish to include in your story so you do not forget to pop them in when the time comes. Maths: To count forwards and backwards within 50. Watch and join in with the lesson found here: Complete the questions when you are instructed to. Remember, if there is a tower of cubes this represents 10. Have fun!! Geography: To know that maps show features and places. Here is a map of a park. Can you spot all the different features?
Have a look at this treasure map. Can you see the journey you would need to be go on to get to the treasure?
Today, I would like you to first discuss Max’s journey in Where The Wild Things Are. Can you name all the features he sees? First it's the forest, then he sees the ocean. What does he see next?
Can you draw a simple picture map based on Max’s journey? Can you add symbols to show places just like the maps here have done too? Have a wonderful day everyone! Miss Kennedy x Comments are closed.
AuthorYear 1 Home Learning Blog Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book![]()
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |