Hello Year 1!
Good morning everyone and welcome back to another day of home learning. I hope you are enjoying getting back to work after half term and feel ready to make some more progress.
Don't forget to send you work to me every day! [email protected]
It has been wonderful to see all the amazing progress from the children who have been sending their work over to me every day, if you haven't managed to send anything over to the email, please contact school!
Here are your learning activities for today:
Phonics: Today is a review lesson. Here you will recap the sounds you have learnt most recently. Don't forget to visit the Phonics Play website for further practise of these sounds if you feel you need to. www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/5 English: To review a story. Watch me read the story below. Then we are going to review it. Did you enjoy the story? What was your favourite part? To review the book, complete the book review below. Maths: To count in 5s. Today you are going to start to learn how to count in 5s. Do you notice a pattern when you do this? Follow along with the lesson found here: whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/spring-week-7-number-place-value-within-50/
What can you find that you can count in 5s?
Can you colour in the numbers you would say when you count in 5s? What do you notice?
Your task today is to Make a Lenten tree. You could use real twigs or draw a picture. We are like trees that change and grow when we become more loving. Add the label to your tree: Remember Jesus and help me to change and grow. How are you going to try to grow and change during lent? You could also write this under your tree. Have a great day everyone, keep doing your best and I look forward to seeing the work you complete today. Miss Kennedy x Comments are closed.
AuthorYear 1 Home Learning Blog Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book![]()
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |