Good Morning Year 1!
I am so impressed to see you all working so hard at home, I love seeing the work you send in, it makes me feel like we are still all together.
Remember, we now have own own Year 1 email address, so please send your work to this from now on. [email protected] Here are your activities to complete today: Reading: Today, I would like you to read the story, 'Everyone Got Wet', again from start to finish and then complete 'Activity 2'. Find the story here: Then I would like you to review the story:
Phonics: We have nearly finished with Phase 4. There are only 4 more lessons after today's so make sure you are super confident with all the sounds shown. If you ever need more practise, please revisit the lessons you need to or you could also go to the Phonics Play website: Here you can choose 'Buried Treasure', 'Dragon's Den', or 'Picnic on Pluto' and choose the sounds you would like to practise, or go to Phase 4 and revise all of Phase 4. Here is today's Phonics lesson: English: To develop understanding through imagining and exploring ideas Now we have begun to think about the story we are going to be looking at. Listen to the story here and enjoy...
Think about these questions and discuss your answers with an adult:
Today you are going to get creative! Can you create your own fantasy setting? Take a moment to think about what you would like this to include. If you could go anywhere and see anything, where would you go and what would you see? Here are some images to help start the thought process:
Use any materials you can find at home. Magazines are great!
You can cut and stick pictures that you like down on a piece of paper and draw images too! Try to fill a piece of paper. Tomorrow you are going to write a description of your fantasy setting. I would love to see what you come up with, so please email a picture of your work to me! Maths: To add ones using number bonds. Follow along with the video and then attempt the first part of the worksheet (complete questions 1-4). As you know the video will tell you when to have a go at each question. You will complete the worksheet tomorrow. In your emails containing this work, please may you tell me how you found it, was it easy or were some bits more difficult that others? RE: The next topic in RE is special people. Today can you create a list of special people in your community? Think about what jobs they do? What makes these jobs and people special? Have a wonderful day Year 1. I am really looking forward to seeing the work you complete today. Miss Kennedy x Comments are closed.
AuthorYear 1 Home Learning Blog Archives
July 2021
CategoriesSt. Agnes Prayer Book![]()
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |