Hi Year 1!!Welcome to your last home learning week of Year 1!Before we get into any sort of learning I would like to say a HUGE well done to you all. I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching each and every one of you this year and I am so proud of all of your achievements. You showed me that you loved to learn in year 1, you showed me how you could all challenge yourself and you have even stayed motivated when we had to stay at home. For all of those reasons, I feel so privileged to have been your teacher this year. I can safely say we have all grown and learnt together! So for one last time this year, give your self a super duper pat on the back! Theres a little surprise for you all at the end of the blog, scroll down to have a look. I would also like to thank all of you who have sent any work in during the last 12 weeks of home learning. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of your hard work and I love being able to see you progress even when you're not in school. So can we give a huge round of applause to... 👏Gabriel 👏Christianna 👏Antony 👏Sonny 👏Genevieve Thank you for keeping me in the loop with your learning! Here are the last pieces of work to share with you all. These are your lists of what you are excited about in Year 2. Do you share the same ideas? I'm sure your new teacher will love to read these comments! You will have a great time in Year 2, there is so much more to learn and so much more to explore! Let's now hear about our fantastic readers. Our aim in Year 1 is to read for 15-20 minutes a day. That adds up to a total of 75-100 minutes per week (Monday-Friday). As you know, the fantastic website Myon lets me see how many books you read, how many pages you have read and how many minutes you spend reading. This week lots of you have blown me away with just how much you are reading - its fantastic, and I bet your teacher next year is very happy you are spending so much time practising your reading skills! I thought I'd let you know just how many minutes you are spending reading, and I'm sure you will be as amazed as I am! 📚Nathanael has read for 228 minutes this week 📚Maive has read for 76 minutes this week 📚Taylor has read for 75 minutes this week 📚Gabriel has read 79 minutes this week 📚Arabella has read for 110 minutes this week 📚Racheal has read for 81 minutes this week 📚Bryan has read for 98 minutes this week 📚Genevieve has read for 84 minutes this week 📚Christianna has read for 102 minutes this week 📚Daisy has read for 112 minutes this week 📚Laura has read for 101 minutes this week 📚Isaac has read for 152 minutes this week 📚Kayden has read for 82 minutes this week 📚Antony has read for 132 minutes this week 📚Sonny has read for 109 minutes this week This weeks word of the week and number of the week are special. They are your new teachers favourite word and favourite number. Can you use your detective skills and work out who you think it may be? I know they are very excited to welcome you into their classroom and help you in continuing along your learning journey! What can you find our about the word 'annihilate'? What does 'annihilate' mean? How many syllables are there? Can you clap it? Can you write a sentence with the word 'annihilate' in? What words do you know that are similar to the word 'annihilate'? Why do you think I have chosen 'annihilate' as this week's word of the week? What do you know about the number 13? What numbers add together to give you a total of 13? How many tens are there? How many ones? Is it an even number or an odd number, how do you know? What is one more and one less? What is 10 more? Can you show this using dienes (tens and ones)? Here are the activities for you to complete this week: (scroll down the blog for all the resources you will need) ![]()
Here are the links you will need this week: https://family.gonoodle.com/ - PE https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure - Phonics https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/5/reading-robot - Phonics https://www.myon.co.uk/login/index.html - Myon reading https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ - Oxford Owl reading https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ - Maths https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zymykqt/articles/zgqfyrd - Computing https://studio.code.org/s/pre-express-2019/stage/3/puzzle/1 - Computing Here are the resources you will need this week:
Maths Follow the work here, it complements the video lessons on White Rose so make sure you watch them first! https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ ![]()
RE: Here is the world template you will need to complete this weeks task. ![]()
It would be great if you could keep on practising all the skills you have learnt in year 1 over the summer holidays. Try and keep a diary and write about what you do each day of the holiday. Some days it may just be about feelings and other days you may have so much to write, you could even include a drawing or a picture too! You could also add in any numbers you see during the day, and think about whether you say that number when you count in 2s, 5s, or 10s, you could think about how many tens and ones that number has and what 10 more and 10 less would look like. Here are your high frequency words too, try and learn these as best as you can ready for year 2! To sign off for one last time I thought I would write a poem for you all! I have absolutely adored learning with you this year it is such a shame we had to stay home for half of it. I am incredibly proud of you all and wish you every success for your future in Year 2!
Stay safe and have a wonderful summer holiday! Lots of love Miss Kennedy xx Welcome back Year 1!How are you all? Are you looking forward to another week of home learning? You only have TWO weeks left of learning in Year 1 - the time has flown by! That means TWO more weeks of challenging yourself, TWO more weeks of being in charge of your learning and TWO more weeks of reading my blogs! Before we make a start, have a look at the wonderful artwork some of you have produced, I am amazed by how brilliantly they have turned out! I think we have some artists in the making! Watch out Monet! Can you see your painting? It is so lovely to see some of you in school, but we are missing having a full class and learning all together. It's ok to miss things and people, that just means you really like them. To begin your learning this week, think about what you miss and are therefore excited about doing again when you do come back to school. Try and write a list of what you are most excited about for Year 2. If you can, send in a picture of your list and I will share them on next weeks blog, our final blog of learning together. This week there is a special activity too! Have a look and find out what it is 🤩 MyON shout outs, listen very carefully. Can you hear your name? These are the children who have read for 75-100 minutes this week! Will your name be in the list next week? Have a look at the number and word of the week. Can you use these in your work this week? What can you find our about the word 'mischief'? What does 'mischief' mean? How many syllables are there? Can you clap it? Can you write a sentence with the word 'mischief' in? What words do you know that are similar to the word 'mischief'? Why do you think I have chosen 'mischief' as this week's word of the week? What do you know about the number 2? What numbers add together to give you a total of 2? How many tens are there? How many ones? Is it an even number or an odd number, how do you know? Can you count in 2s to 20? to 50? to 100? What is one more and one less? What is 10 more? Can you show this using dienes (tens and ones)? Here are the activities for you to complete this week: Remember we are doing exactly the same in school, if you stick to the time table too, you will be learning the same things at the same time!! Scroll down for the resources for this week. ![]()
Here are the links you will need this week: https://family.gonoodle.com/ - PE https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure - Phonics - recap phase 5 https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/flashcards-time-challenge - Phonics - how many words can you read? https://www.myon.co.uk/login/ - Reading - aim for 15/20 minutes per day https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ - Maths - watch the lessons then complete the activities below https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zymykqt/articles/zgwnsbk - Computing - what is the internet? https://studio.code.org/s/pre-express-2019/stage/2/puzzle/1 - Computing - sequencing
Maths Follow the work day by day, check to see if there is a challenge on the following page! Have fun!! ![]()
RE Can you list all the key words/skills associated with being a good neighbour? ![]()
PE Here is a Joe Wick's PE lesson for you to try too!! Keeping active helps to keep you healthy! Thats it for this week Year 1! I miss you lots and seeing your hard work always brings a smile to my face, so keep sending pictures over of what you have achieved at home. Stay happy, stay safe, keep smiling 😁 Miss Kennedy x Hello again Year 1!It was so lovely to welcome some of you back into the classroom this week, and I am looking forward to seeing some more faces next week. I would like to start off by shouting out those children who have been reading every day on MyOn, can we give a huge round of applause to: Laura 🌟 Isaac 🌟 Daisy 🌟 Racheal 🌟 Joshua 🌟 Christianna 🌟 Nathanael 🌟 Darcie G 🌟 Well done all of you, especially those of you at home 👏 Next week I will be looking at the time you are spending reading. Try to aim for 15-20 minutes of reading per day. This will add up to 75-100 minutes of reading during the school week!! If you manage to read that much you will be getting a special well done on next weeks blog! If you can't remember how to access your MyOn account, have a look at Mr Crows video again, he explains it so well! https://www.st-agnes.towerhamlets.sch.uk/learning-at-home.html Brain starter for the week: Did you have fun playing the Oracy game 'If I ruled the world...'? This week let's play the fun and exciting game CHARADES! Chose a word/phrase from below and act it out to your family and those that live in your home. I have split these into activities and animals. Have a go and have a laugh! Activities:
Have a look at the word and number of the week. How many times can you use these this week? What can you find our about the word 'incredible'? What does 'incredible' mean? How many syllables are there? Can you clap it? Can you write a sentence with the word 'incredible' in? What words do you know that are similar to the word 'incredible'? Would you use the word 'incredible' to describe the story we have been looking at? What do you know about the number 34? What numbers add together to give you a total of 34? How many tens are there? How many ones? Is it an even number or an odd number, how do you know? Do you say 34 when you count in 2s, 5s and 10s? What is one more and one less? What is 10 more and 10 less? Here are the activities for this week: (Remember to scroll down the blog for the resources) ![]()
Here are the links you will need this week: https://family.gonoodle.com/ - PE https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/5/sentences-5a - Phonics https://www.purplemash.com/sch/stagnese3 - Reading https://www.myon.co.uk/login/ - Reading https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ - Reading https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ - Maths https://www.google.com/search?q=what+are+jungles+for+kids&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB882GB882&oq=what+are+jungles+for+kids&aqs=chrome..69i57.5700j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - Geography (google) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmp98xs - Computing https://studio.code.org/s/pre-express-2019/stage/1/puzzle/1 - Computing Here are the resources you will need this week: ENGLISH Continue to use the booklet from last week. Monday: Page 15 Tuesday: Page 17 Wednesday: Page 19/20 Thursday: Page 21/22 Friday: Page 23 ![]()
MATHS I have created a pack for you to complete, on each page you will find work for the days of the week. Have a go and let me know how you get on! ![]()
RE ![]()
Have a great week Year 1! Keep up all your hard work. I wonder who I will be shouting out next week for their reading? Will it be you this time? Stay safe and have fun, Miss Kennedy xx Welcome back Year 1!I hope you are all well, and are enjoying the work at home. This week your work may look slightly different as some of you will be in the classroom with me, and some of you are still at home. I wanted to make sure we were all still doing the same work, so we still all feel like we are learning together!
Let's start this week with a different game. This one is called: If I ruled the world... The aim of the game is to argue against the person ruling the world. In response to this, your sentence will start with: I disagree with you Miss Kennedy because... Have a go and then play with the people in your home. Remember, Oracy games are all about what you say and how you say it, so think carefully about what words you choose to use. Have a look at the word and number of the week. How many times can you use these this week? What can you find our about the word 'creak'? What does ' creak' mean? How many syllables are there? Can you clap it? Can you write a sentence with the word 'creak' in? What words do you know that are similar to the word 'creak'? Can you find the word in the story this week? What do you know about the number 22? What numbers add together to give you a total of 22? How many tens are there? How many ones? Is it an even number or an odd number, how do you know? Do you say 22 when you count in 2s, 5s and 10s? What is one more and one less? What is 10 more and 10 less? Here are the activities for this week: (Remember to scroll down the blog for the resources) Here are the links you will need this week: https://family.gonoodle.com/ - PE https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/tricky-word-trucks - Phonics https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/5/cheeky-chimps - Phonics https://www.talk4writing.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/R-Maxs-Jungle.pdf - English booklet https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ - Maths https://www.purplemash.com/sch/stagnese3 - Reading https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/?view=image&query=&type=book&age_group=Age+5-6&level=&level_select=&book_type=&series= - Reading https://www.myon.co.uk/ - Reading MyON: You should all now have your MyON logins. This is our new online library, it is packed full of wonderful books to get your nose into. Even those coming into school wont be able to take a book home right now so, this is our way of being able to see what you are reading, how long each book takes you and how much you are reading. Last week I could see that lots of you have already accessed the website and have read lots and lots! So well done! Next week I will give those who are reading every day a shoutout! Will that be you? Check out Mr Crow's marvellous myOn reading here. He might even be able to help you out if you are struggling! Try picking books from the recommended section first, but once you are more confident with the website and want to read a wider variety of books, feel free to explore and find more books that take your fancy! Try and read a variety of fiction (made up) and non-fiction (factual) books. Here are the resources you will need for the week: ENGLISH Use this booklet to complete the English activities this week. It contains a story and lots of activities. We will be using this story next week too, so don't be too eager and complete all the activities this week! MATHS Monday: Page 54 Tuesday: Pages 58 and 59 Wednesday: Page 60 Thursday: Pages 61 and 62 RE ART This is Claude Monet's painting called: 'Bridge over a pond of water lilies'. Here are the YouTube links you will need this week:
Hello Year One! |
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Antony sent some work in to school for me to have a look at. This is his description of his favourite vegetable, sweet potatoes. I love all the adjectives he has used and how he has added fantastic pictures to illustrate his work. Well done Antony! *If you have any work that you would like to show me, please send it to [email protected] |
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Check here for your learning from home activities
St Agnes Catholic Primary School
Rainhill Way, Bow, London E3 3ER Tel: 02089803076 | email: [email protected] |